Everything was VERY detail oriented. They all did a wonderful job of making it to my taste. They served Bellini Cocktails (my favorite) and pineapple punch. But the best was the FOOD!! Chicken and Egg salad sandwiches were a hit. And who could have a luncheon at my mom's house without her famous potato salad. YUM!! And we can't forget the cake! DELICIOUS!
I had so much fun and it was nice to see everyone. I felt like I didn't get to visit with EVERYONE because there were just so much going on. But thank you to all who came, it was a great party! And the gifts were overly generous, but I had a blast opening each one... and I had even more fun bringing everything home with me :-)

It was hard to miss which house was having the party!

The set up looked BEAUTIFUL! Did I mention the food was AWESOME!

Yes VERY detailed... Apprently Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Rosemary had were on a mission to get "pink & brown" M&Ms... they found them in VEGAS!


So the ladies played this game... it involved rolling dice, gifts, and STEALING! Hhahahaha it was really funny to watch everyone taking presents from each other. It got a little nasty.

My bridesmaids are BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm only missing 3 people, can you believe it? I don't think I've ever had all of them in one place at one time.

I was overjoyed with all the generous gifts. I can't even begin to express my thanks... BUT THANKS!!!

My Mom got me my first place setting for my china set. THANK YOU MOM!!

How could anyone complain about where we live and grew up? I am so lucky!

Who would have thought opening all those gifts would make me SOOOOO tired.
Thank you everyone for EVERYTHING!
1 comment:
I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.
Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.
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