Myself, Sarah, Rachel and Shelley started at Shelley's new apartment for Margaritas & Bloody Marys at 3:00pm. Shelley made her famous "Shelleyritas" and I broke down and made my weigh watcher version.

We then rode our bikes to HBYC (Hermosa Beach Yacht Club) for one drink. It's a huge dive bar on 1st street. Oh who am I kidding... it's a hole. After that we got back on our bikes and rode to the pier. It was so windy on Saturday. I have never seen it like this before. The sand was pushed all the way up to the curb on Hermosa Avenue, and it was piled pretty deep. The beach looked like desert storm, it was insane. I couldn't get a picture because sand was getting in my hair, eyes and mouth... YUCK! I could feel it grinding in my teeth.

We couldn't get into any Irish Pubs because of lines and they were all at capacity. So we ended up staying at Fat Face Fenner's Fishack... which is a Boston Bar so we settled. Unfortunately the girls MADE me drink butterscotch shots!

The girls came up from the OC, but unfortunately I was extremely tired by the time they got there. We ended the night at 9pm... VERY EARLY!

Sarah was very tired at the end of the night!
It was a very fun time... Another successful party down at the beach!
no green beer?
Sean says that Guiness is a must on St. Patty's day but it looks like you guys had fun. Love ya, Missy
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